on ICT-enabled Governance
July 1-3 2019, Samos, Greece
in conjunction with
1 - 5 July 2019, Samos, Greece
The 9th Samos Summit on ICT-enabled Governance offers an unprecedented opportunity to see, interact with and influence cutting-edge Information and Communication Technologies research projects and initiatives. Attended by high caliber experts from research, administrations and enterprises worldwide, the Samos 2019 Summit focuses on the newest developments of ICT applications in the areas of digital governance, under the main headline.
Specific focus in this year’s summit will be given to the following areas of ICT-enabled governance, aiming at delivering high-level insights on the new roadmap for research and practice:
Future Public Services theoretical approaches and examples
New technological evolutions
New models and tools for the open provision of legal data
New epistemological approaches for the main elements of Government 3.0
Gabriela Viale Pereira is Assistant Professor for Information Systems at the Department for E-Governance and Administration at Danube University Krems (Austria) and Visiting Post-doc at EAESP/FGV (Brazil). She holds a master and a doctoral degree in Business Administration at PUCRS. Gabriela’s activities include research in electronic government and ICT-related Governance projects involving smart governance, smart cities, open data, data analytics and government 3.0.
Gabriela Viale Pereira is Assistant Professor for Information Systems at the Department for E-Governance and Administration at Danube University Krems (Austria) and Visiting Post-doc at EAESP/FGV (Brazil). She holds a master and a doctoral degree in Business Administration at PUCRS. Gabriela’s activities include research in electronic government and ICT-related Governance projects involving smart governance, smart cities, open data, data analytics and government 3.0.
Dr Euripidis Loukis is Professor of Information Systems & Decision Support Systems at the Department of Information & Communication Systems Engineering, University of the Aegean. Previously, he has been Professor at the Postgraduate Program of the National Academy of Public Administration in the area of e-Government, and also at the Postgraduate Program 'Athens MBA' of the National Technical University of Athens and the Athens University of Economics and Business, and at the University of Thessaly, in the area of Information Systems
Dr Euripidis Loukis is Professor of Information Systems & Decision Support Systems at the Department of Information & Communication Systems Engineering, University of the Aegean. Previously, he has been Professor at the Postgraduate Program of the National Academy of Public Administration in the area of e-Government, and also at the Postgraduate Program 'Athens MBA' of the National Technical University of Athens and the Athens University of Economics and Business, and at the University of Thessaly, in the area of Information Systems
Yannis Charalabidis is Professor of Digital Governance in the Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering of the University of Aegean. In parallel, he serves as Director of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit of the University, designing and managing youth entrepreneurship activities, and Head of the Digital Governance Research Centre, coordinating policy making, research and pilot application projects for governments and enterprises worldwide. He has more than 25 years of experience in designing, implementing, managing and applying complex information systems as project manager, in Greece and Europe.
Yannis Charalabidis is Professor of Digital Governance in the Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering of the University of Aegean. In parallel, he serves as Director of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit of the University, designing and managing youth entrepreneurship activities, and Head of the Digital Governance Research Centre, coordinating policy making, research and pilot application projects for governments and enterprises worldwide. He has more than 25 years of experience in designing, implementing, managing and applying complex information systems as project manager, in Greece and Europe.
Since November 2005, Maria A. Wimmer is Professor for eGovernment and she chairs the research group eGovernment at the Institute for Information Systems (IS) research at Koblenz University, Germany. She studied Computer Sciences at the University of Linz, Austria. After her graduation, she had a two years stay at the National Research Council, Rome - Italy, and University of Siena (Multimedia Communications Lab), Italy, thereby investigating holistic design of safety-critical systems. Since 2000, when Maria A. Wimmer worked at the University of Linz, Austria, she managed the different projects of eGovernment research and consulting.
Since November 2005, Maria A. Wimmer is Professor for eGovernment and she chairs the research group eGovernment at the Institute for Information Systems (IS) research at Koblenz University, Germany. She studied Computer Sciences at the University of Linz, Austria. After her graduation, she had a two years stay at the National Research Council, Rome - Italy, and University of Siena (Multimedia Communications Lab), Italy, thereby investigating holistic design of safety-critical systems. Since 2000, when Maria A. Wimmer worked at the University of Linz, Austria, she managed the different projects of eGovernment research and consulting.
Harris holds a PhD diploma from the Department of Information and Communications Systems Engineering at the University of the Aegean on open data. He is a Senior Researcher and Project Manager at the Information Systems Laboratory of the same department, working on European and National funded research and pilot application projects (ENGAGE, SHARE-PSI 2.0, EU-COMMUNITY, PADGETS, NOMAD, NET-EUCEN, PLUG-IN) for governments and enterprises.
Harris holds a PhD diploma from the Department of Information and Communications Systems Engineering at the University of the Aegean on open data. He is a Senior Researcher and Project Manager at the Information Systems Laboratory of the same department, working on European and National funded research and pilot application projects (ENGAGE, SHARE-PSI 2.0, EU-COMMUNITY, PADGETS, NOMAD, NET-EUCEN, PLUG-IN) for governments and enterprises.